Achievements & Milestones

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1998 – First to introduce Schutzhund in India

A dog with a Schutzhund title is considered to be a complete dog in every aspect. We introduced this sport to India in 1998 at the HyCan show in Hyderabad, making it one of the most famous dog sports. Since then, there have been many enthralling demonstrations across the country. We are widely regarded as India’s leading authority on Schutzhund training and are highly respected. So good that, at the world-renowned Seiger show, German judge Mr Reinhardt Meyer said, “I never expected such a good demonstration of Schutzhund in India.” Schutzhund is not yet recognized as a competition in India, but we strongly believe that it is THE solution to improving the overall quality of dogs in India.

First to introduce Fly Ball in India

Flyball is a fast and exciting sport for the dog, handler, and spectator; it is a team sport in which two teams of four dogs compete to see who can finish the race first.

We introduced this sport in 2001, and it has since attracted huge crowds in Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Sangli, Nasik, Warangal, Thrissur, and many other cities where we have demonstrated it.

First ever dancing dog of India

Heel walk to Music/Freestyle/Dancing dog… call it what you may, but it is definitely the most captivating demonstration of a trained dog. This sport was introduced in 2001 & was an enormous success. It has remained so with each passing year allied with a growth that has expanded.

So popular has the sport been, that we have demonstrated it at schools, old people’s homes, orphanages and for the mentally handicapped and orphanages.

Whether the song be ‘La bamba’ or ‘Munda kamaal hai’ or ‘You are my Sonia’, the dancing dog performs to the beat and keeps the whole audience captivated.

First to Introduce French Ring Sport

We introduced French ring sport for the first time in India in 2002; a sport that is on the same principals of Schutzhund, but with a difference, that is, the rules are different.

The show was a success, a full body attack by our GSD – Einstien had everyone standing up in admiration of the fearless attack. But the piece de resistance was the property protection by our all time star – STRIKER. Attacking the culprit when he comes near the object and leaving him as soon as he leaves the area – left everyone spell bound.

Commando Kennels
First to introduce bomb detection (civil) using ‘Bringsel stick’

With each passing day, violence has taken on new dimensions, with bombs, explosives, narcotics and other weapons becoming more sophisticated. Our canines have worked exceptionally well in detecting them, as detection has been their domain for many years.

However, the method to indicate a ‘find’ has always been disputed. Barking or scratching the surface can cause the bomb to explode, while going ‘down’ at the spot is not a very clear indication. This is where our method of indicating with the ‘Bringsel stick’ is not only a novel idea but also very practical.

First to demonstrate mob control dogs in the country

In 2001 we demonstrated mob control dogs for the first time in India. It was a huge success & experience.

It was a fascinating experience to watch how 3 trained dogs keep a Mob of over 50 people in complete control & when some tried to run away, the dogs arrested them in spite of the gunfire. Today, mob control dogs are an integral part of many of our dog squads spread out across the country.

A perfect score!

Commando’s Badhsah scored 300 on 300 at the HyCan’07 dog show in December 2008. A rare achievement and yet another proud moment for our director , who painstakingly trained the dog to perfection.

Trained over 10,000 dogs

We train dogs & maintain a superb track record in the same. Over the years, our progress has been remarkable & reaffirms our dedication and sincerity of our efforts.

To date, we have trained over 10,000 dogs at our fully equipped training farm, numbers growing with each passing day.

Winner of Agility competitions all over India.

We demonstrated Agility for the first time in 1995, a small beginning that heralded the early stages of dog sport demonstration. It has diversified into one of the biggest attractions at the HyCan show at Hyderabad.

Our agility dogs have won many competitions all over the country & in 2002 there were over 20 participants at the HyCan show. We won ‘SUMAN TROPHY’ for the best agility dog & have been winning it for the last 25 years!

International Canine Events
  • CRUFTS – 2006
  • WORLD DOG SHOW ( Helsinki) 2014
  • WORLD DOG SHOW (Shanghai) 2019
  • PET FAIR ASIA (Shanghai) 2017

In our quest for excellence, our team has visited some premier events all over the world and brought that learning to our operation and teams in India

The Commando team were pleased to be at the World’s greatest dog show – CRUFTS.
Visiting such a huge show and interacting with international breeders and trainers was a home coming for our Directors.

International Qualifications for our CEO

Our CEO, Philip Butt is the highest qualified dog trainer in India with 100s of hours of international training and years of hands on experience in training dogs for different skills.

  • Course in Positive Reinforcement Training at Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition – United Kingdom
  • Course on Arms & Explosive Search Dogs at Corporate Search Limited – United Kingdom
  • Course in Basic Grooming at PetHub, Johor Bahru
  • IPO & Protection Instructor Training at Detection Dog School, Germany
  • Detection Dog Training at Detection Dog School, Germany
  • Grooming Instructor course at Aer Grooming School, China
  • FCI Obedience from Oili Huotori ( Winner of World Obedience Competitions 2017)
  • Advanced Detection from Ilkka Hormila (World’s leading authority on detection training)
  • Chicken Camp & Operant Conditioning from Jana Rajamaki
  • IPO through positive reinforcement from Jussi Pasanen
International Workshops and Seminars conducted at Commando Kennels – Hyderabad

Our entire team has been trained by various experts in K9 detection, and we still continue to improve and upgrade. Few programs conducted at Commando Kennels – Hyderabad Centre:

  • Operant Conditioning Training Seminat Virtually With Katja Frey (Germany) May 2020
  • Detection Training Workshop With Ilkka Hormila (Finland) January 2020
  • Canine Welfare Workshop With Steffi Grath ( Germany) December 2019
  • Operant Conditioning Training Seminar With Katja Frey (Germany) August 2019
  • Detection Training Workshop With Ilkka Hormila (Finland) October 2018
  • Positive Reinforcement Seminar With Jaana Rajamaki (Finland) July 2018
  • Obedience Training Workshop with Nina Manner(Finland) June 2018
  • Detection Training Seminar With Frank Holmes (UK) July 2017
  • K9 Operations Course With Pat Steward (UK) May 2017
  • Detection Dog Workshop with Ewen Bantall (UK) March 2016